
You found your note. You read the message. You felt the love. You visited the blog. Now here's what happens next:
  1. Take a picture of yourself (with your read me note). 
  2. Email your picture to and I will post it on the blog. If you want to, include your name and a few words about your read me experience.*
  3. Spread the love. Pass along. Put your read me in a special place (on a bench in Central Park, on the stairs in front of the Met, on a fire hydrant- wherever you feel inspired to put it!) so that someone else can find it and feel a little love.
These steps are completely optional. By passing the messages along, you are helping me out in a huge way. Your help would be so greatly appreciated. And I would be just as grateful for your emails. I would absolutely love to hear from you! It would seriously make me so happy.

*If you email me this information, I'll assume that you want it posted on the blog. If not, please let me know (include the words "DO NOT POST" somewhere in the subject line) and I'll be sure not to post it.